Hedgehog Nutrition & Care

Hedgehogs are insectivorous animals that are primarily fed a diet of high-quality hedgehog food supplemented with occasional fresh fruits and vegetables. They also enjoy mealworms and crickets, which can be given as treats. Hedgehogs are generally healthy and hardy animals when kept as pets. They have a good immune system and are not prone to many diseases. However, they can be susceptible to dental issues, skin irritations, and obesity if not properly cared for. When it comes to raising a hedgehog, it’s essential to provide them with a warm and secure environment that includes a hiding place, a wheel for exercise, and plenty of room to roam. It’s also important to handle them regularly to socialize them and keep them tame. While hedgehogs can be trained to use a litter box, they have specific behaviors that require patience and understanding from their owners.

Hedgehog Nutrition & Care