Black Rabbit Breed – All About Black Rabbits

Black rabbit and kid in mountain

Black Rabbit Characteristics

Black rabbits are a fascinating breed known for their striking appearance. As the name suggests, their fur is entirely black, which sets them apart from other rabbit breeds. Their sleek and shiny coat gives them an elegant and charming aura.

cute Black rabbit

Black Rabbit Temperament

When it comes to temperament, black rabbits are often praised for their friendly and docile nature. They can form strong bonds with their owners, displaying affection and enjoying human companionship. While each rabbit has its unique personality, black rabbits are generally known for being gentle and social creatures.

Black rabbit with kids

Black Rabbit Size & Weight

Black rabbits are considered to be medium-sized rabbits. On average, they measure about 18 to 20 inches (45 to 50 centimeters) in length from their nose to the tip of their tail. They stand around 9 to 11 inches (23 to 28 centimeters) tall at the shoulder.

cool Black rabbit and kid

On average, Black rabbits weigh from 3 to 5 pounds (1.4 to 2.3 kg). Their compact size makes them easy to handle and care for, making them suitable pets for families with children.


One distinguishing feature of black rabbits is their uniform black fur. Unlike other breeds that may have various color patterns, black rabbits have an intense and deep black coat that covers their entire body. This unique coloration makes them stand out and captures the attention of rabbit enthusiasts.


Black rabbit at home

The lifespan of a black rabbit is similar to that of other domestic rabbit breeds. With proper care and a healthy diet, they can live anywhere between 7 to 10 years.

Ideal Owners

Black rabbit and kid owner

Black rabbits are well-suited for various types of owners. Whether you are an experienced rabbit keeper or a first-time pet owner, black rabbits can make wonderful companions.

Black Rabbit History

Black rabbit

The precise origins of the black rabbit breed are not entirely clear, but they have been a recognized breed for many years. Black rabbits have become popular among rabbit enthusiasts and have found their way into households worldwide. Their elegant appearance and amiable temperament contribute to their enduring popularity as pets.


cute Black rabbit

  • Melanism Magic: Black rabbits owe their captivating coat color to a genetic trait called “melanism.” Unlike other breeds with various color patterns, black rabbits have an abundance of dark pigment, giving them that enchanting all-black appearance.
  • Eyes of Mystery: Although their fur is pitch-black, black rabbits can showcase a diverse array of eye colors. From mesmerizing shades of brown to striking hues of blue and even rare red eyes, their eyes hold an air of mystery that complements their elegant look.