Ferret Nutrition & Care

Ferrets are carnivorous animals that require a diet high in protein and fat, and low in fiber. Their diet should consist of commercial ferret food, fresh meat, and occasional treats like cooked eggs. Avoid feeding them sugary or starchy foods as these can cause health problems such as insulinoma. Ferrets are generally healthy and hardy pets, but they can be susceptible to dental problems, adrenal disease, and gastrointestinal issues, distemper and heartworms. It’s important to vaccinate your ferret and keep them on preventative medication to protect against these illnesses. Ferrets are active animals that require plenty of space to move around and play. They need a cage with multiple levels, hiding places, and toys to keep them mentally stimulated. Ferrets are also social animals and require regular interaction with their owners or other ferrets.

Ferret Nutrition & Care